
Many leaks are related to the chimney crown. A chimney crown is a large slab that covers the opening of a chimney. Many chimney crowns are cracked and deteriorated resulting in open gaps in the flues. When this happens water starts leaking and damaging the chimney. Depending on the condition of the crown this can be solved with a flue cap or in more severe cases the crown will need to be replaced.
Every time you use your fireplace creosote is deposited in the chimney lining. Creosote is highly flammable, for this reason it is important to reduce the amount of buildup that occurs in order to avoid a dangerous fire. The creosote builds up anytime a fireplace is used. It is advised to brush off the flaky soot with a chimney brush after you use your fireplace and it has cooled down.
If the creosote buildup continues without getting cleaned it turns into hard, black shiny flakes. The flakes contain hardened tar that isn’t so easy to remove. The most common tool used to remove this is a rotary loop.
The most extreme creosote buildup occurs when the creosote is layered on top of other layers of creosote creating a thick hard substance. A hot fire can easily ignite this type of creosote, which can cause a hazardous fire. In this case it is often recommended to replace the chimney liner.
Flashing is sheet metal placed where the chimney meets the roof. The purpose of the flashing is to keep water out of seeping into the chimney. Flashing should have two layers of metal installed. The effectiveness of flashing eventually passes and that is why it is recommended to have an annual chimney inspection. There are different types of metal used for flashing, steel and aluminum are common choices, and copper is used for high-end installation.
When you remove damaged mortar from bricks and replace it with new mortar it is called tuckpointing. Mortar joints become damaged due to exposure to water. Once water gets into the chimney through weakened mortar joints it can even damage rock masonry. When mortar joints become damaged, it is advised to repair the affected joints with tuckpointing. Otherwise, the mortar joints will keep deteriorating till the chimney collapses resulting in a far more expensive need of repair.
A chase cover is an external lid that is placed over a pre-fab chimney or a brick chimney to keep water and animals out of your chimney and home. The chimney cap goes over your chase cover. We recommend using a stainless-steel chase cover because it is strong and can resist rust.